Download Version 1.0 (2004-01-20) Binary


BUD (Bunnyhug Updater is an application that lets you download all of your bookmarks and save them on your local machine. I had just discovered the other day and I wanted to be able to have live bookmarks just like firefox was able to do with The quickest way I thought I could get the same feature was to download all the bookmarks from and create shortcuts in my favorites folder. So that’s exactly what BUD does. I also couldn’t find an importer for for IE bookmarks so I wrote one that reads in your favorites directory and lets you import bookmarks that way. This program is completely free and will remain so. You can download the small installer on the menu on the right hand side.

How To

So how do you use BUD? After installing BUD run the shortcut created on the desktop. It will tell you that BUD hasn’t been configured yet and ask for your username and password for and the location to store your bookmarks from It is VERY IMPORTANT that the folder you select for your bookmarks to be stored in does not contain any bookmarks you want to lose. When BUD updates it will remove all bookmarks inside the folder you select and then update the folder with the new bookmarks. I recommend creating a new folder inside your favorites folder just for your bookmarks. So that was it for setup. BUD automatically updates the folder you selected with all the bookmarks from your website. I wrote BUD to be used with maxthon but it can be used with other browsers if you wish. Maxthon has the ability to call a program when it starts up which is perfect for BUD. In maxthon select Options–Maxthon Options–External Tool and then click the plus sign in the top right. Enter BUD for the name and then browse to the location you installed BUD in and select BUD.exe. Select “Start with Maxthon” and click OK.

Now every time maxthon is started it will get any new bookmarks. If you use IE you can create a batch file to start BUD and then IE to make it update on IE startup. If you leave maxthon running all day like me you can do an update by clicking Tools–External Tools–BUD.

If you select to hide BUD while updating or hide on success and then later decide you want to change the settings you will need to run the shortcut created in the Bunnyhug Start Menu “Bunnyhug Updater Configure” which will let you change settings or import more bookmarks.

Finally, you can import bookmarks into with BUD. I haven’t tested this all that much but it worked for importing my bookmarks. When you select Tools–Import you will see a new window that should show all your favorites. You can import a single bookmark at a time by selecting it and then changing the description, extended and/or tags fields and then click Import. If you want to import entire folders at a time simply check the folder/bookmarks, type what you want the tags to be in the bottom text field and then click the Import Selected button. BUD will import each bookmark one at a time with a delay of 2 seconds between each one to not abuse the server.


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  • .NET 1.1